Is Natural Ever Truly Natural?

Is Natural Ever Truly Natural?

When was the last time you walked through a grocery store and paid attention to the packaging of the foods that you were buying? In other words, let’s say you picked up a package of chicken or perhaps some yogurt and noticed the term “natural” on the label. Let’s face it, you would likely assume that this label meant that this product must be safer, healthier and altogether more wholesome. But just how natural is that “natural” product you’ve added to your shopping cart? We are here to help at New Life Chiropractic in Fort Wayne, In.
Here’s the thing, you might be shocked to learn that some manufacturers are exploiting gaps in the legislative framework to label food and other products as “natural” which most of us wouldn’t describe that way at all if we knew what was involved in the manufacturing process or what had been added. Consumers are being duped by companies that know all too well we’re more likely to buy something and even pay more for it if it’s labelled as “natural”, especially if it has pretty farmhouse or kitchen scenes on the packaging.
Most of us would assume that a product labelled as “natural” is GMO-free, without chemicals or additives. When meat or meat products are described as “natural” we’d expect the meat to be from animals that weren’t treated with hormones and antibiotics. We’d expect it to have been processed using natural techniques, with minimal human interference. Did you know that meat and meat products sold as “natural” can be from animals that are GMO, or have been injected with hormones and antibiotics? It doesn’t sound that natural, does it? Does it matter?
It matters because the public are being misled. It’s been estimated that over 50% of consumers try to buy products which are described as “natural” because they mistakenly believe that this is a guarantee that the product is non-GMO and has been produced without pesticides, hormones or other potentially harmful substances or processes. Don’t you feel outraged to learn that in many cases the label “natural” might just be being used as a cynical marketing ploy?
How to be sure that the products you consume are truly natural:
- Buy organic rather than natural. The rules on what can be given an organic label are stricter. If a food is organic it also means, it’s non-GMO.
- Buy your meat from a trustworthy supplier. Ask the butcher what they know about where the meat comes from. You might have to pay more for organic meat from a trusted source, but you’ll probably agree that it’s worth it for the taste as well as for your peace of mind.
- Remember that truly natural products often come without labelling. The more processed your food is, the more likely it has been tampered with one way or another.
- Always read the label to check for artificial preservatives, colorings and other chemical additives. Don’t be duped into thinking that “natural” on the label means truly natural.
Stick to eating mostly God-made foods.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent disease.
9:00am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm
5:30pm - 6:30pm
9:00am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm
By Appointment Only
New Life Chiropractic
2051 Reed Road
Fort Wayne, IN 46815
(260) 471-5433