Here’s Why You Should Ask Your Child to Play Outdoors; For Better Sleep

Child Playing Outdoors in Fort Wayne IN

Here’s Why You Should Ask Your Child to Play Outdoors; For Better Sleep

Child Playing Outdoors in Fort Wayne IN

There’s nothing more comforting than seeing the happy face of your child, while they fall asleep. On the contrary, it’s nothing short of a herculean task to put a little one to bed on time! Over the past couple of years, a growing complaint among many parents is their child’s irregular sleeping habits. This, in turn, impacts the kid’s mood, health, performance at school and attention span. There are many ways you can tackle this problem, but outdoor exercises are proven to be the most helpful. Here’s how outdoor activities help children sleep better:

Impact Of Natural Light – Exercising outdoors, in broad daylight provides an excellent source of vitamin D to your child. Also, natural light keeps children happier and more alert during the day, and calmer at night. It gets their biological clock ticking. Exposure to natural light coupled with a healthy dose of exercise will ensure that your child gets his sound nighttime sleep.

Greens Soothe The Mind – There is a whole world of fun activities that children can enjoy outdoors – they can hop, climb, skip, run, swim and do much more! Nature’s lush greens and fresh air have a remarkably calming and invigorating effect. Exercising outdoors can help your child overcome stress and also boost his creative flair. A child with a composed mind is sure to have an undisturbed sleep.

Vigorous Exercise Means Better Sleep – Children are more physically active while exercising outdoors. Exercising indoors has many limitations like space constraints, limited choice of play, etc. Doing vigorous outdoor activities will raise your child’s body temperature during the day and drop down at night, making it easier for him to fall asleep.

Controlled Sleep Disorders – Your child could be the victim to to sleep disorders like insomnia and sleep apnea. Though his case may be a minor one, it is essential to keep the condition in check. There are many reasons why kids experience sleep disorders; the cause could be either emotional or lifestyle related. Outdoor exercising plays a crucial role in minimizing the impact of these conditions, as it boosts the release of mood uplifting hormones called endorphins. Reduced anxiety and a calm state of mind is the key solution to keeping sleep disorders in control.

Improved Physical Health – The healthier your child is, the better he’ll sleep. Heath conditions like obesity, ADHD, and respiratory troubles can disrupt your child’s sleep patterns. Outdoor exercises improve your child’s physical strength, immunity, vitality, and vigor. This also means that your active child will be less prone to illness and will hence be a better sleeper.

If your child is forever hooked onto television and gadgets, you must cut down on the time he spends doing so. Set a healthy routine which balances the time spent indoors with an hour or two of outdoor exercises like swimming, cycling, trekking and skating. Technology is a blessing in disguise as it has made us and our kids lazy and unhealthy. Ensure your child is not adversely impacted by the tech bubble. Make exercising a fun process and introduce your child to a variety of favorite sports and outdoor activities. Not only will it make your child sleep right, but it will also add to his overall personal and cognitive development. Ask your child to keep aside the gaming console and head out to play! We are here to help at New Life Chiropractic in Fort Wayne, In.

Note: While it is important to expose your child to the world of outdoor exercises and adventures, make sure you don’t over schedule! Too many activities in one day can adversely impact your child’s sleep and add to his stress levels. At the most, 2 hours of intense outdoor exercises are enough in a day.


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3:00pm - 6:00pm
By Appointment Only




New Life Chiropractic
2051 Reed Road
Fort Wayne, IN 46815
(260) 471-5433