New Life Chiropractic Blog

Gut Brain Connection in Fort Wayne IN

Your Gut-Brain Connection

Your Gut-Brain Connection Recent research has uncovered another link between lifestyle choices and brain health. When we think of brain health, we need to think of the whole body. We need to realize that our brain sends signals to our gut and likewise our gut sends signals back up to our brain, and what we…

Natural Pregnancy in Fort Wayne IN

Natural Pregnancy

Natural Pregnancy If you’re pregnant or trying for a baby then there’s so much you can do to help things go as well as they can. We are here to help at New Life Chiropractic in Fort Wayne, In. Every parent wants to be the best parent they can be, right!?   But to give your baby…

Under Adrenal Stress in Fort Wayne IN

You’re Under Adrenal Stress

You’re Under Adrenal Stress Are your adrenal glands on the verge of exhaustion?  Or maybe they’re already throwing in the towel?  These two relatively small glands are responsible for so much work in the body and are often abused and overused.  Let’s look at consequences of stressed out adrenal glands and some of the common…

Strategies for Thyroid Dysfunction in Fort Wayne IN

5 Strategies to Help You Beat Thyroid Dysfunction

5 Strategies to Help You Beat Thyroid Dysfunction If you are someone who has been diagnosed with thyroid disease, you may have joined a band of people with a lifetime sentence of taking Armour® Thyroid or Synthroid®, the most popularly prescribed thyroid medications. What if you could break away from the shackles of medical management,…

Chiropractic for Allergy Relief in Fort Wayne IN

Why Should You See A Chiropractor For Allergy Relief?

Why Should You See A Chiropractor For Allergy Relief? In the industrialized world, a growing number of individuals are affected by allergies. Currently, the numbers are between 10-30 percent of the total population and are increasing steadily. For Americans who suffer from nasal and seasonal allergies, the costs very quickly add up. It is currently…

Child Playing Outdoors in Fort Wayne IN

Here’s Why You Should Ask Your Child to Play Outdoors; For Better Sleep

Here’s Why You Should Ask Your Child to Play Outdoors; For Better Sleep There’s nothing more comforting than seeing the happy face of your child, while they fall asleep. On the contrary, it’s nothing short of a herculean task to put a little one to bed on time! Over the past couple of years, a…