5 Strategies to Help You Beat Thyroid Dysfunction

5 Strategies to Help You Beat Thyroid Dysfunction

If you are someone who has been diagnosed with thyroid disease, you may have joined a band of people with a lifetime sentence of taking Armour® Thyroid or Synthroid®, the most popularly prescribed thyroid medications. What if you could break away from the shackles of medical management, or better yet avoid it altogether? What if you could do it by committing to doing just 5 things?
- Corrective Chiropractic Care: The nervous system controls everything in your body, including the thyroid gland. It needs to be as healthy as possible.
- Increase Iodine Intake: Iodine is used by your thyroid and without it, your thyroid is practically useless! Iodine is not produced naturally by the body, so it must eat foods with it. Don’t just blast your plate with more table salt! Try organic (this is important) foods like seaweed, cranberries, yogurt, navy beans, strawberries, and raw cheese.
Join the Gluten-free Revolution: Gluten has been linked to many different thyroid problems. We recommend that you visit com/glutenfree-me for an easy guide to switching to gluten-free eating.
- Read Every Food and Product Label Before Use: Avoid all products with bromine or bromine byproducts. These include popular purchases like pesticides, plastics, bakery goods/flours, soft drinks, and fire retardants. Tip: Use glass food storage containers instead of plastic to avoid leakage of unwanted chemicals. It will take an initial investment, but they last longer than plastic containers. Also, be sure to check the tags on your clothes for fire retardants.
- Support Your Liver and Digestive System: The liver is responsible for converting thyroid hormones, so it must be as healthy as possible. It could be helpful doing a liver detox and then supplementing it with a liver support The health of the digestive system is closely tied to the immune system. It’s also important to be taking a probiotic supplement. Talk to our staff for our Doctor’s recommended supplements.
Most things cost money. If you’re going to spend it, at least let it be an investment in true healthcare. Consider how happy you will be saving potentially thousands of dollars out of pocket in medical bills over the course of many years just by using these five strategies! Think, too, about how many more years of health and vitality you may likely enjoy because of purifying your body and naturally boosting its ability to heal and be well.
Remember, you have a choice in what your future holds – you can just survive or you can THRIVE!
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent disease.
9:00am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm
5:30pm - 6:30pm
9:00am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm
By Appointment Only
New Life Chiropractic
2051 Reed Road
Fort Wayne, IN 46815
(260) 471-5433